
Thursday, April 28, 2016


M. Gautham Machaiah 

Most of us believe in the existence of God or a superior force. We regularly visit places of worship and pray for our well being. Yet, complete happiness eludes us.

Now, compare this with the life of a self-confessed non-believer, who never said a single prayer in his life. In his book, #Khushwantnama, renowned journalist the late Khushwant Singh says, “I am an agnostic. If believers tell you God created life, then ask them, if that is so, who created Him? The truth is that life on earth was not created, it was evolved. It was not God who created us, but we who created God.

“I think speculating about where we come from and where we go after we die is a waste of time. No one has the foggiest idea. What we should be concerned about is what we do with our lives on earth.”

Now, look at the kind of life that the celebrated author lived. In his own words, “I realised early on that I have only one life to live and decided to get as much out of it as I could. I have lived life to the full. I have travelled the world, indulged my senses, basked in the beauty of nature and enjoyed all it has to offer. I have sampled the best food and drink, listened to good music and made love to beautiful women. I have always made the most of the time that I have been given.”

Khushwant Singh penned this book when he was 98 years and died a very happy man a few months later. How many of us can claim to have led such a full life with all our prayers, poojas and homas? While one may not necessarily agree with the writer, his views on the subject definitely gives some food for thought.


B.N.Bopanna said...

Yes Kushwanth has a point. I think god is big, its a force, its a power. How big...infinite. Let me explain. Evolution has a course which is defined, its defined by the power. Why does the power not come to our rescue every time...if that be the case it would be finite. It follows a course, we are a small part. There is a connection of all living beings to this force like the cells in our bodies which keep forming and destroying but follows a course. So I would disagree with Kushwanth. He lived a ripe age to the full within the sphere of evolution and thought that was it. The power is beyond 98 yrs and does not define cultures, religion, practices, etc These are human created. Is god Hindu? Muslim? Christian? etc. It is much much beyond. The power is infinite. There is a power which follows a course we are a part of it. As some one said...A part is a part of whole part. We are part of this infinite power we call god.

patric786 said...

These thoughts are strikingly similar to Jain philosophy.